Wednesday, January 09, 2008

666 - A Man's Number!

The reader could turn to the last pages and quickly find answers to the name and number of the wild beast however; you may do yourself a disservice as the rationales and profundities may elude you. Until the disgusting thing is seen and understood the wild beast and its number cannot be so easily reconciled. It is recommended that the words be read, verified and contemplated from the beginning first, in order to make the words towards the end more easily understood. The mysteries of the bible have eluded the wisest and most intelligent men for many centuries. Hopefully the reader will understand that even now they still cannot be easily summarized and so quickly imparted to any man. If you have not yet read the blog post which identifies the disgusting thing seen in a holy place then please go to the following link:

The discerning reader who reaches the end of these pages should eventually understand why this admonishment was necessary. The writer of these words cannot righteously take any credit and so remains anonymous. The reader with great joy should eventually discern in the pages which follow, who really is behind the insights being imparted here.

The Wild Beast

After realizing the words written on these pages and those in the blog "Out of the North" are true the discerning reader will understand that the Kingdom has gone wild. It has turned into a wild beast. If Satan and his weeds were to overcome the true Kingdom as the scriptures in the gospels suggest will happen and yet worship was still continuing, would it still be true worship or would the subjects of this Kingdom now be indirectly worshipping Satan?

Revelation 13:4- And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: "Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?"

If the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is really Satan's Wild Beast then our recent history and bible scriptures should provide evidence of this. If the kingdom has really gone wild then we should be able to see a link to the many features described in the Book of Revelation in regard to this same Wild Beast.

The following lists some features we should be keeping on the watch for:

  • Have a link to a seven headed wild beast.
  • One of those heads would have received a death blow and healed.
  • There would be blasphemous names found amongst the seven heads.
  • The present day iteration of the wild beast would contain 10 kings.
  • Those 10 kings would not yet have a kingdom.
  • Those 10 kings would give away their power to the wild beast.
  • Those 10 kings would rule for a short while with the wild beast.
  • Those same 10 kings would somehow battle with Jesus Christ.
  • Those same 10 kings would also battle with the true sons of the kingdom.
  • Have a name which is a "man's number".
  • That number must somehow represent 666
  • People are deceived into getting marked with this number.
  • Once they are marked they are then able to "buy and sell".
  • Blaspheme God's name and residence.

Seven headed wild beast

In the bible, beasts symbolize kingdoms or organizations as revealed in the book of Daniel:

Daniel 8:20- "The ram that you saw possessing the two horns [stands for] the kings of Me´di·a and Persia.

Daniel 8:17 -"'As for these huge beasts, because they are four, there are four kings that will stand up from the earth.

If beasts represent Kingdoms and the seven headed wild beast of Revelation really does represent God's kingdom after it has been undermined by Satan and his weeds then is there any bible scripture which, describes God's kingdom separated into 7 different parts?


Revelation 1:20- As for the sacred secret of the seven stars that you saw upon my right hand, and [of] the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars mean [the] angels of the seven congregations, and the seven lampstands mean seven congregations.

If this is true then each of the seven heads of the Wild Beast are named:

  1. "To the angel of the congregation in Eph´e·sus.
  2. "And to the angel of the congregation in Smyr´na.
  3. "And to the angelof the congregation in Per´ga·mum.
  4. "And to the angel of the congregation in Thy·a·ti´ra.
  5. "And to the angel of the congregation in Sar´dis.
  6. "And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia.
  7. "And to the angel of the congregation in La·o·di·ce´a.

The sacred secret of the seven congregations should now begin to become apparent to the discerning reader.


We now really do have a seven headed wild beast however, if this is really the same wild beast mentioned in Revelation Chapter 13 then one of its heads must have been slaughtered and yet survived its death-stroke.

Revelation 13:4- And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed,

Is there any evidence in the bible indicating that one of the seven congregations or heads suffers a death-stroke?

It is the congregation of Sardis!

Revelation 3:1- "And to the angel of the congregation in Sar´dis write: These are the things that he says who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars, 'I know your deeds, that you have the name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2 Become watchful, and strengthen the things remaining that were ready to die.

The congregation of Sardis was; "as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed."

Blasphemous Names

If the seven congregations mentioned at the beginning of the Book of Revelation are the same as the seven headed wild beast of Revelation Chapter 13 then we should be able to find; "upon its heads blasphemous names".

Please consider the following:

Still, you do have this, that you hate the deeds of the sect of Nic·o·la´us.

'I know where you are dwelling, that is, where the throne of Satan is you have there those holding fast the teaching of Ba´laam, who went teaching Ba´lak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication. you, also, have those holding fast the teaching of the sect of Nic·o·la´us

you tolerate that woman Jez´e·bel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and misleads my slaves to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols.

those from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and yet they are not but are lying.

Please contemplate the bolded words in the scriptures quoted above. Is the reader able to discern any blasphemous names amongst the seven congregations?

Of course!

The scriptural evidence is just beginning to mount.

Speaking great things

The wild beast speaks blasphemies against God himself as well as others in heaven. These blasphemies reach right into his residence or temple.

Revelation 13:6- And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven.

If the reader has contemplated the words written in the previous blog post called "Out of the North" they will already have discerned how Jesus Christ's (residing in heaven) commandment has been undermined in such a way that Satan uses the subjects of God's own kingdom to taunt (blaspheme) Jehovah to his very face right inside his own temple (residence).

Kings without a kingdom

In the book of Revelation Chapter 17 it mentions that the 10 horns represent 10 kings who do not yet have a kingdom.

Revelation 17:12- "And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.

How can you be a king and yet not have received a kingdom? In the world this would be a very confusing and unusual circumstance however, from a spiritual standpoint there really are many kings who have still yet to receive their kingdom.

Please consider what the Apostle Paul tells the Corinthians:

1 Corinthian 4:1- YOU men already have YOUR fill, do YOU? YOU are rich already, are YOU? YOU have begun ruling as kings without us, have YOU? And I wish indeed that YOU had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with YOU as kings.

In the scripture above the Apostle Paul is addressing kings who have not yet received a kingdom. Only in the scriptures does such a mysterious saying hold true as this would not happen in pagan circumstances.

So in our recent history are (or were) there 10 prominent anointed kings who really have not yet been appointed over their belongings and who exist inside of the kingdom?

Please notice the following list of anointed Governing Body member's current as of January in the year 2004:

1 –John Barr
2 - Carey Barber
3 - Samuel Herd
4 - Theodore Jaracz
5 - Steven Lett
6 - Gerrit Lösch
7 - Guy Pierce
8 - Albert Schroeder
9 - David Splane
10 - Daniel Sydlik

If these are the same 10 Kings mentioned in the book of Revelation then they must also have somehow given their power and authority to the wild beast.

Revelation 17:12- These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.

These 10 kings did just exactly as the scripture described in the year 2000 during the month of October.

Please read and carefully consider the following quote from the Washington Post newspaper on Monday, Oct. 9, 2000:

The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, as the group is officially known, had been run by a so-called Governing Body. Now, religious and administrative duties will be divided, with three newly formed corporations running the group's U.S. operations

This article can be found on the Internet at the following url:

Some of these Kings have since died. It is therefore very true that they will rule for only a short time, one hour with the wild beast.

A man's number

The wild beast also has a name which can represent a number. This can be calculated with intelligence as explained in the following scripture:

Revelation 13:16-18- And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

As already discussed the previous blog "Out of the North" newly interested ones are compelled to make a baptismal vow to an additional name beyond those commanded by Jesus Christ. So what is the extra name given in the baptismal vows made by Jehovah's Witnesses?

"God's Spirit Directed Organization"

An organization requires committees arranged in an administrative structure with assigned supervisory duties. These committees are filled with a specific number of men,

……………. a man's number!

In order to verify the number we only need to understand how "God's spirit directed organization", is organized!

This is explained on page 109 of the "Jehovah's Witnesses, Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" book.

A facsimile of page 109 can be enlarged by clicking on the thumbnail opposite.









In the second paragraph it says;

"Starting with 1st January 1976 all the activities of the Watchtower Society and of all the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in the entire world have entered under the supervision of six administrative committees of the government corps."

This is the first six………….. 6

Then, we read on:

"In harmony with that arrangement, on February 1, 1976 changes had been put into effect in all branch offices of the Society around the earth"

This is the second six………….. 6

There is also another committee which handles all of the problems in local congregations with the following functions and responsibilities:

1/ Presiding Overseer

2/ Secretary

3/ Accountant

4/ Ministry School Overseer

5/ Service Overseer

6/ Literature Department Overseer

This is the third six………….. 6

So the name of the wild beast is:

"God's Spirit directed Organization"

Its number is a man's number. The number of men used to organize "God's spirit directed Organization".

The number of its name is: 666

Some may contend that this number is 6 and 6 and 6 and not six hundred and sixty six. The following scripture dealing with ancient Israel's organization should help reconcile any concern:

Deuteronomy 1:15- So I took the heads of YOUR tribes, men wise and experienced, and put them as heads over YOU, chiefs of thousands and chiefs of hundreds and chiefs of fifties and chiefs of tens and officers of YOUR tribes.

Out of the East

This calculation was discerned by a faithful anointed and loyal chosen one named Sas Gavril who lives in Romania. Some of his writings have been translated from Romanian into English and are available on the Internet at the following url:

The words on these pages however, are being written and distributed from Canada. Therefore Satan's unrighteous deception is being exposed by two reports. One coming from Canada (the north) and another from Romania (the sunrising). You can be certain these two reports will be very disturbing for Satan and the weeds he has planted inside of the Kingdom:

Daniel 11:44- "But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction.

These two reports are what signify the start of the "war of the great day of God the Almighty".

The mark of the beast

So how does a person get the "mark of the beast"? Please consider the following scripture:

Revelation 13:16-17- And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name.

If the mark of the wild beast has to do with its name then how does someone get marked by its name? The mark is received through baptism which compels the interested one to make a vow of loyalty, an act of veneration to the name of the wild beast: "God's Spirit Directed Organization".

Only after this mark is received can the one with the mark begin to have bible studies through the "house to house ministry" and sell Satan's unrighteous deception in order to buy more people with it. Others who perhaps were baptized prior to the change of baptismal vows still have the mark as they are part of the organization (name) and so are included in the number. The number of it's name.

Some readers may still be conditioned to think the buying and selling has to do with the everyday mundane purchases that people have to make, such as groceries. If this is the case then please consider the following scripture:

Zechariah 11:5- "This is what Jehovah my God has said, 'Shepherd the flock [meant] for the killing, 5 the buyers of which proceed to kill [them] although they are not held guilty. And those who are selling them say: "May Jehovah be blessed, while I shall gain riches." And their own shepherds do not show any compassion upon them.'

The buying and selling is occurring to God's own flock and being condoned by shepherds (weeds) who have no compassion. The buying and selling being referred to in Zechariah Chapter 11 is in regard to people, not groceries!

Why is the mark on their forehead or in their right hand and how does this have anything to do with a Jehovah’s Witness baptism? It does seem to indicate randomness between whether the mark is received in the right hand or forehead. What would determine where this mark is received? Also consider that according to scripture a person is to be deceived into getting this mark. The mark of the beast cannot therefore be a literal or visible mark on the forehead or right hand.
Please consider that another very important Jehovah’s Witness doctrine exists in regard to baptism which has a great deal to do with the receiving of this mark. Jehovah’s Witnesses insist that in order for a baptism to be valid the candidate’s body must be completely immersed under the water! If the candidate’s body is not completely immersed then those in attendance may not recognize their baptism as being valid. One of the most important functions of the attendant who is in the water and assisting with the baptism is to make fully certain that the very last parts of a baptismal candidate’s body are completely immersed under the water. Not until the very last parts of their body are under water can the baptism be valid and the candidate receive the mark of the beast. So depending on how a candidate either leans forward or backward it is either the persons forehead or their right hand which goes under the water last and the baptism is now thoroughly complete. Please spend some time at a baptismal ceremony carefully watching the proceedings and convincing yourself the truth of this statement. A search on the Internet and should provide video examples of baptisms which you could immediately examine.

The Eighth King

It is in the book of Revelation Chapter 17 where we find there is an eighth king who springs from the seven heads of the wild beast:

Revelation 17:11- And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.

Is there another king described in amongst the seven congregations at the beginning of the book of Revelation? Please carefully consider whose throne is mentioned in the following scripture:

Revelation 2:13- 'I know where you are dwelling, that is, where the throne of Satan is; and yet you keep on holding fast my name, and you did not deny your faith in me even in the days of An´ti·pas, my witness, the faithful one, who was killed by YOUR side, where Satan is dwelling.

It is in the scripture regarding the congregation of Per´ga·mum that we find a throne. So the eighth king really does spring from within the seven heads. The eighth king is Satan. Certainly after reading through these pages and considering how successful his unrighteous deception has been it should be no surprise that the kingdom has now been so thoroughly undermined that it is actually being ruled by Satan!

The book of Revelation later describes how Satan goes off into destruction.

Revelation 20:10- And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur

Those who are subjects of the kingdom are living right in the serpents face. These are the ones who the Devil is misleading. The eighth king truly does have a fierce countenance, a serpent's face.

Battle with the Lamb

The 10 kings will battle with Jesus Christ himself as well as the called, faithful and chosen ones and yet they will be conquered.

Revelation 17:12-14- "And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so]."

As mentioned earlier on these pages the faithful and loyal called ones are exposing Satan's unrighteous deceptions inside of the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. For doing this they are excluded and disfellowshipped. An enormous spiritual war is presently ongoing. How are the faithful, loyal chosen ones able to conquer the 10 kings? Simply by telling the truth, witnessing to those presently being held captive by Satan's unrighteous deception. This is explained in Revelation Chapter 12.

Revelation 12:11- the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! 11 And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death.

If the reader has arrived here then it should now occur that the spiritual war is presently being fought in regard to them. Are the words of this witnessing having some success and will the discerning reader now be released from captivity to Satan's unrighteous deception?

If Satan and his weeds were able to forever deceive everyone with their unrighteous deception what a miserable world this would continue to be.

The words on these pages have been written for many reasons:

  • Jehovah now has an opportunity to give an answer to the one(s) taunting him.
  • For the sake of our King, Jesus Christ.
  • As an obligation for one keeping on the watch to give a warning when he sees the enemy.
  • To help with a little help chosen anointed ones who have been deceived.
  • For the sake of all true Christians who are presently being held captive by Satan's unrighteous deception.
  • To give the world convincing evidence concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment.
  • So that the word of this witnessing might conquer Satan. (Rev 12:11)

When Jesus Christ arrives he should find a faithful slave who is telling the truth about the "man of lawlessness" and the "disgusting thing" to righteous Christians inside his own Kingdom. When he does arrive the bible assures us that he will find this same faithful slave class being beaten by their evil brothers who will be found eating and drinking with the same drunkards who have been shamefully overcome by Satan's unrighteous deception. –(Mt 24:45-47). On these pages there are an overwhelming number of evidences in our recent history which prove that the bible prophecies which pave the way for the conclusion of this system of things have already been fulfilled. This cannot be coincidence. The sheer composite total of these evidences drives scepticism beyond any acceptable limits. The Song of Moses reveals however, that just as happened in the first century the conclusion of this system of things will happen in a generation which does not want to hear the truth. The defect is their own.

The Song of Moses-
They have acted ruinously on their own part; They are not his children, the defect is their own. A generation crooked and twisted! 6 Is it to Jehovah that YOU keep doing this way, O people stupid and not wise? Is he not your Father who has produced you, He who made you and proceeded to give you stability?

After carefully contemplating the words written on these pages the reader should have an appreciation for how accurately these events were predicted to happen through ancient writings in the bible. The reader should see how beautifully the mysteries were concealed.

The discerning reader should now be able to echo the words of the Apostle Paul:

Romans 11:33- O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments [are] and past tracing out his ways [are]!

An anointed king of the earth who has read and understands the words written on these pages should be helped to come off victorious from the wild beast and sing the song of Moses, winning the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

Revelation 15:2- And I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea mingled with fire, and those who come off victorious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name standing by the glassy sea, having harps of God. 3 And they are singing the song of Moses the slave of God and the song of the Lamb,

The time is soon coming when Jehovah our Almighty God will be given the glory he deserves!

The Song of Moses

1 "Give ear, O heavens, and let me speak;
And let the earth hear the sayings of my mouth

My instruction will drip as the rain,
My saying will trickle as the dew,
As gentle rains upon grass
And as copious showers upon vegetation.

For I shall declare the name of Jehovah.
Do YOU attribute greatness to our God!

The Rock, perfect is his activity,
For all his ways are justice.
A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice;
Righteous and upright is he.

They have acted ruinously on their own part;
They are not his children, the defect is their own.
A generation crooked and twisted!

Is it to Jehovah that YOU keep doing this way,
O people stupid and not wise?
Is he not your Father who has produced you,
He who made you and proceeded to give you stability?

Remember the days of old,
CONSIDER the years back from generation to generation;
Ask your father, and he can tell you;
Your old men, and they can say it to you.

When the Most High gave the nations an inheritance,
When he parted the sons of Adam from one another,
He proceeded to fix the boundary of the peoples
With regard for the number of the sons of Israel.

For Jehovah's share is his people;
Jacob is the allotment that he inherits.

He came to find him in a wilderness land,
And in an empty, howling desert.
He began to encircle him, to take care of him,
To safeguard him as the pupil of his eye.

Just as an eagle stirs up its nest,
Hovers over its fledglings,
Spreads out its wings, takes them,
Carries them on its pinions,

Jehovah alone kept leading him,
And there was no foreign god along with him.

He kept making him ride upon earth's high places,
So that he ate the produce of the field.
And he kept making him suck honey out of a crag,
And oil out of a flinty rock;

Butter of the herd and milk of the flock
Together with the fat of rams,
And male sheep, the breed of Ba´shan, and he-goats
Together with the kidney fat of wheat;
And the blood of the grape you kept drinking as wine.

When Jesh´u·run began to grow fat, then he kicked.
You have grown fat, you have become thick, you have become gorged.
So he forsook God, who made him,
And despised the Rock of his salvation.

They began inciting him to jealousy with strange gods;
With detestable things they kept offending him.

They went sacrificing to demons, not to God,
Gods whom they had not known,
New ones who recently came in,
With whom YOUR forefathers were not acquainted.

The Rock who fathered you, you proceeded to forget,
And you began to leave God out of memory, the One bringing you forth with childbirth pains.

When Jehovah saw it, then he came to disrespect them,
Because of the vexation his sons and his daughters gave.

So he said, 'Let me conceal my face from them,
Let me see what their end will be afterward.
For they are a generation of perverseness,
Sons in whom there is no faithfulness.

They, for their part, have incited me to jealousy with what is no god;
They have vexed me with their vain idols;
And I, for my part, shall incite them to jealousy with what is no people;
With a stupid nation I shall offend them.

For a fire has been ignited in my anger
And it will burn down to She´ol, the lowest place,
And it will consume the earth and its produce
And will set ablaze the foundations of mountains.

I shall increase calamities upon them;
My arrows I shall spend upon them.

Exhausted from hunger they will be and eaten up by burning fever
And bitter destruction.
And the teeth of beasts I shall send upon them,
With the venom of reptiles of the dust.

Outdoors a sword will bereave them,
And indoors fright,
Of both young man and virgin,
Suckling together with gray-haired man.

I should have said: "I shall disperse them,
I will make the mention of them cease from mortal men,"

Were it not that I was afraid of vexation from the enemy,
That their adversaries might misconstrue it,
That they might say: "Our hand has proved superior,
And it was not Jehovah who worked all this out."

For they are a nation on whom counsel perishes,
And among them there is no understanding.

O that they were wise! Then they would ponder over this.

They would consider their end afterward.

How could one pursue a thousand,
And two put ten thousand to flight?
Not unless their Rock had sold them
And Jehovah had surrendered them.

For their rock is not like our Rock,
Even our enemies being the ones to decide.

For their vine is from the vine of Sod´om
And from the terraces of Go·mor´rah.
Their grapes are grapes of poison,
Their clusters are bitter.

Their wine is the venom of big snakes
And the cruel poison of cobras.

Is it not laid up with me,
With a seal affixed to it in my storehouse?

Vengeance is mine, and retribution.

At the appointed time their foot will move unsteadily,
For the day of their disaster is near,
And the events in readiness for them do make haste.'

For Jehovah will judge his people
And he will feel regret over his servants,
Because he will see that support has disappeared
And there is only a helpless and worthless one.

And he will certainly say, 'Where are their gods,
The rock in whom they sought refuge,

Who used to eat the fat of their sacrifices,
To drink the wine of their drink offerings?
Let them get up and help YOU.
Let them become a concealment place for YOU.

SEE now that I—I am he
And there are no gods together with me.
I put to death, and I make alive.
I have severely wounded, and I—I will heal,
And there is no one snatching out of my hand.

For I raise my hand to heaven [in an oath],
And I do say: "As I am alive to time indefinite,"

If I do indeed sharpen my glittering sword,
And my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will pay back vengeance to my adversaries
And render retribution to those who intensely hate me.

I shall intoxicate my arrows with blood,
While my sword will eat flesh,
With the blood of the slain and the captives,
With the heads of the leaders of the enemy.'

Be glad, YOU nations, with his people,
For he will avenge the blood of his servants,
And he will pay back vengeance to his adversaries
And will indeed make atonement for the ground of his people."


Anonymous said...

Hello Ablebodiedman

Would just like to say that your understanding of "this generation" mentioned by Jesus many times is wrong.
When Jesus mentioned this generation he was talking about the present generation of that time period. Nothing at all was projected to a time in the future. And another thing, all that Jesus was suppose to do, or was prophesied for him to accomplish was accomplished by him during the time he was on the earth in the first century!
All this information is written on my web page if you would care to go read it?


Anonymous said...


Perhaps you think the prophecy was completely fullfilled in 70ad with the destruction of the Temple building in Jerusalem. I cannot agree with that as the scripture suggests that if the tribulation was not shortened then all would die.

Matthew 24
22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Also if it was completely fullfilled then that generation in the first century would have witnessed this:

29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Matthew 24
30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

This has not happened yet and so there is a future generation implied by this prophecy.

pete said...

Hello Anonymous
If that is what you want to believe then that is what you will believe. However, what you are doing is reading many things into the scriptures. What is stated in the scriptures is all about the nation of Israel, God’s people. Just about all prophecies that were prophesied by God, by Jesus and by the prophets were prophecies to occur to the nation of Israel, not to the nations for two thousand years down stream. That has been the cardinal mistake made by all so-called bible scholars and historians.
The correct understandings to all the rest of you statements are posted on my site, if you care to go read them for your self.


Anonymous said...

I have to say being a JW and just going through the revelation book, what I have read in your blogs I understand %100, and that really scares me.
If what has been printed here is from one of the annointed then is'nt that still spiritual food from the annointed class?
So either the class of JW's is doomed, or your doomed for apostasy?

I have an open mind on this, but will have to look more into these things.

Indeed, very hard times ahead my friend if what you write is true!

Anonymous said...

It takes a very courageous man to do this,coincidently,I was thinking earlier today,I wonder if Jehovahs witnnese orginization is the roaring lion spoken of in the bible,,I have many stories myself,about what that religion has done to harm me and my family...
Our father is one still,now has been for 40 years,I am wondering if it is driving him insane,nothing else but the constant drilling of the JW propaganda matters to these people,even thier own children,unless they are going to the meetings....You have to be in the "truth"or they will disown you!!!
And that is the truth...
If something is true why must it be called truth,named truth,almost like chinese torture,water on the forhead,drip drip forever....isnt truth just simply truth,Gods truth does not change,but JW truth changes dramaticaly over the years,I was born in it in 1968,I got out at 16,because the hipocrasy was frightening # 1 and # 2 even as a small child I listened to thier words and could not believe no matter how many meetings I attended this could not be from God...because God and Jesus are Love,not judgement and splitting families apart...
I have alot to say about this...
Just wanted to say,I think I found this site for a reason,things are getting worse in the religion,they are making more prophecies,and both my JW parents are getting more and more paranoid in this.JWs is a cult and I believe the ship is going down,and the devil is roaring about like a lion seeking to devour knowing he only has a short time left,that is what I was thinking today,of this scripture,and of this scripture applying to the JWs how strange that I found your info on this,on the same day this thought occured to me????

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